Halal toothpaste is a toothpaste that have been certified halal by Local Halal Authority. In Malaysia, halal certification can be done by JAKIM. As a Muslim, I also have to brush my teeth at least twice a day. When I woke up in the morning and before I went to bed. This is routine things to do in normal life. So why Muslim are so concern about Halal Toothpaste ?.
Muslim have to use and eat halal. Muslim are forbidden to eat pork and some other things. All meat that Muslim can eat should comes from animal like cattle and goat that have been slaughtered according Islamic religion. So what this has to do with Halal Toothpaste ?.The key words is the toothpaste ingredients.
Toothpaste is made from many thing such as sodium bicarbonate, fluoride, calcium and many other thing depends on the type of toothpaste the manufacturer produce. What really concern of Muslim about toothpaste is some toothpaste contain Calcium in their ingredient. The question is where do this calcium came from ?.
Some industrial source said that this calcium can originate from animal bones and some from the mineral. Then comes the issue that if the calcium comes from animal bones , what type of animal and is this animal (if cattle) slaughtered according to Muslim religion ?.
Then comes the Halal Toothpaste. Halal Toothpaste means all the ingredient is from halal source. If the manufacture used calcium, they have to ensure that the calcium comes from mineral not from animal bones.
Halal Toothpaste industry is quite booming because one's Muslim know the fact about the origin of calcium, the start looking for Halal Toothpaste. Muslim are will to change the brand of toothpaste from non halal certified toothpaste to Halal Certified Toothpaste. This simple Halal Toothpaste can make a lot of money to the new manufacture because they turn to Halal Toothpaste.
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